Chasing the Rabbit How Market Leaders Outdistance the Competition and How Great Companies Can Catch Up and Win 追兔子:大企业成功之路 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子书 mobi 在线

Chasing the Rabbit How Market Leaders Outdistance the Competition and How Great Companies Can Catch Up and Win 追兔子:大企业成功之路精美图片
》Chasing the Rabbit How Market Leaders Outdistance the Competition and How Great Companies Can Catch Up and Win 追兔子:大企业成功之路电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

Chasing the Rabbit How Market Leaders Outdistance the Competition and How Great Companies Can Catch Up and Win 追兔子:大企业成功之路书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780071499880
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2008-09
  • 页数:409
  • 价格:201.50
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看


How can companies perform so well that their industry counterparts are competitors in name only? Although they operate in the same industry, serve the same market, and even use the same suppliers, these “rabbits” lead the race and, more importantly, continually widen their lead. In Chasing the Rabbit, Steven J. Spear describes what sets high-velocity, market-leading organizations apart and explains how you can lead the pack in your industry.

Spear examines the internal operations of dominant organizations, including Toyota, Alcoa, Pratt & Whitney, the US Navy's Nuclear Power Program, and top-tier teaching hospitals--organizations operating in vastly differing industries, but which share one thing in common: the skillful management of complex internal systems that generates constant, almost automatic self-improvement at rates faster, durations longer, and breadths wider than anyone else musters. As a result, each enjoys a level of profitability, quality, efficiency, reliability, and agility unmatched by rivals. Chasing the Rabbit shows how to:

Build a system of “dynamic discovery” designed to reveal operational problems and weaknesses

Attack and solve problems at the time and in the place where they occur, converting weaknesses into strengths

Disseminate knowledge gained from solving local problems throughout the company as a whole

Create managers invested in the process of continual innovation

Whatever kind of company you operate--from technology to finance to healthcare--mastery of these four key capabilities will put you on the fast track to operational excellence, where you will generate faster, better results using less capital and fewer resources. Apply the lessons of Steven J. Spear's and leave the competition in the dust.





CHAPTER 1. Getting to the front of the pack

CHAPTER 2. Complexity: the good and the bad news

CHAPTER 3. How complex systems fail

CHAPTER 4. How complex systems succeed

CHAPTER 5. High velocity under the sea, in the air and on the web

CHAPTER 6. Capability 1: system design and operation

CHAPTER 7. Capability 2: problem solving and improvement

CHAPTER 8. Capability 3: knowledge sharing

CHAPTER 9. Capability 4: developing high-velocity skills in others

CHAPTER 10. High-velocity crisis recovery

CHAPTER 11. Creating high-velocity health-care organizations

CHAPTER 12. Conclusion















Winner of the Shingo Prize for Research and Professional Publication, 2009 . How can companies perform so well that their industry counterparts are competitors in name only? Although they operate in the same industry, serve the same market, and even use the same suppliers, these �rabbits� lead the race and, more importantly, continually widen their lead. In Chasing the Rabbit , Steven J. Spear describes what sets high-velocity, market-leading organizations apart and explains how you can lead the pack in your industry. . . Spear examines the internal operations of dominant organizations, including Toyota, Alcoa, Pratt And Whitney, the US Navy's Nuclear Power Program, and top-tier teaching hospitals--organizations operating in vastly differing industries, but which share one thing in common: the skillful management of complex internal systems that generates constant, almost automatic self-improvement at rates faster, durations longer, and breadths wider than anyone else musters. As a result, each enjoys a level of profitability, quality, efficiency, reliability, and agility unmatched by rivals. Chasing the Rabbit shows how to: . . Build a system of �dynamic discovery� designed to reveal operational problems and weaknesses. Attack and solve problems at the time and in the place where they occur, converting weaknesses into strengths . Disseminate knowledge gained from solving local problems throughout the company as a whole . Create managers invested in the process of continual innovation . . Whatever kind of company you operate--from technology to finance to healthcare--mastery of these four key capabilities will put you on the fast track to operational excellence, where you will generate faster, better results using less capital and fewer resources. Apply the lessons of Steven J. Spear's and leave the competition in the dust. .


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