极度成功 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子书 mobi 在线

》极度成功电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9787553698229
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-05
  • 页数:288
  • 价格:51.80
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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?在《 成功》这本书中,作者揭示了打造高绩效、高凝聚力团队的三个强信号,为打造一支具有超强的创新能力与问题解决能力,能够不断突破自我的团队提供了行动路线图。

?书中有大量的 研究数据,可以帮助读者 好地了解当下企业文化与团队建设的重要作用。例如,根据哈佛大学对两百多家企业的研究,一种强有力的群体文化在10年间将企业净收益提高了765%;澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的研究团队发现,团队中负面角色的行为能够令团队绩效降低30%~40%。

?书中有很多可拿来即用的 实践方法。例如传递脆弱信号,构造脆弱环,让参与者的合作性提升50%的方法等。作者使用书中的方法指导一支学生团队参加作文竞赛,学生们都取得了突破性的进步,证明了这一套方法不仅可以拿来即用,而且适合各种类型的团队,能够快速提升团队的凝聚力与战斗力。

?书中有 的团队评估方法。丹尼尔·科伊尔与沃顿商学院的人力分析小组合作开发了一套测试题,可以帮助团队管理者评估团队成员相互之间联系的紧密度。


引 言 高绩效团队的3个 密码

部分 密码1,归属信号创造安全感

第1章 创造安全感,信号比信息 重要

第2 章 点燃归属信号,改变人们的连接方式

第3 章 圣诞休战,一小时培训实验与导弹兵

第4 章 传递归属信号,给出神奇反馈

第5 章 打造安全空间,近距离碰撞与高频率互动

第6 章 创造安全感的13 条原则

第二部分 密码2,脆弱信号提升合作性

第7 章 共享脆弱,顺畅的合作源于尴尬的互动

第8 章 构建脆弱环,让陌生人 聪明地合作

第9 章 信任机器,即兴喜剧与珠宝大盗

0 章 与团队合作,脆弱信号让团队无懈可击

1 章 与个人合作,脆弱而真诚才能实现一致性

2 章 共享脆弱的13 条原则

第三部分 密码3,目标信号推动自组织

3 章 点亮目标灯塔,创造高目标环境

4 章 足球流氓与乡村医生

5 章 高执行力团队,经验法则驱动行为

6 章 高创意团队,面向目标持续改进

7 章 设定目标的7 条原则

结 语 打造你的高绩效团队




  ?《户外》杂志特约编辑,曾两次入围美国 杂志奖候选名单。










This is all about establishing relationships, conveying the face that I'm interested in you, and that all the work we do together is in the context of that relationship. It's a narrative - you have to keep it going. It's not unlike a romantic relationship. How often do you tell your partner that you love them? It may be true, but it's still importantn to let them know, over and over.

Theis idea - that belonging needs to be continually refreshed and reinforced - is worth dwelling on for a moment. If our brains processed safety logically, we would not need this steady reminding. But our brains did not emerge from illions of years of natural selection because they process safety logically. They emerged because they are obsessively on the lookout for danger.

This obsession originates in a s...

Building safety isn't the kind of skill you can learn in a robotic, paint-by-numbers sort of way. It's a fluid, improvisational skill - sort of like learning to pass a soccer ball to a teammate during a game. It requires you to recognize patterns, react quickly, and deliver the right signal at the right time.

Creating safety is about dialing in to small, subtle moments and delivering targeted signals at key points.

- overcommunicate your listening. the key is to draw a distinction between interruptions born of mutual excitement and those rooted in lack of awareness and connection.

- spotlight your fallibility early on - especially if you're a leader. "This is just my two cents." "Of coures, I could be wrong here." "What am I missing?"

- embrace the messenger

- Preview future connection


Exchanges of vulnerability, which we naturally tend to avoid, are the pathway through which trusting cooperation is bulit. Cooperation, as we'll see, does nto simply descend out of the blue. It is a group muscle that is bult according to a specific apttern of repeated interaction, and that pattern is always the same: a circle of people engaged in the risky, occasionally painful, ultimately rewarding process of being vulnerable together.

P 67 Hwo to Design for Belonging:

I'm doing this because they pont isn't just about counting them but about making a mindset shift that they're what matters. When an idea becomes part of a language, it becomes part of the default way of thinking.

p 153

The interesting thing about Givechi's questions is how transcendently simpe they are. They have less to d...

Mental contrasting.

Step 1: Think about a realistic goal that you'd like to achieve. Spend a few seconds reflecting on that goal and imaging that it's come true. Picture a future where you've achived it.

Step 2: Take a few seconds and picture the obstacle between you and that goal as vividly as possible. Don't gloss over the negatives, but try to see them as they truly are.

The conjoint elaboration of the future and the present reality makes both simultaneously accessible and links them together in the sense that the reality stands in the way of realizing the desired future.

We tend to use thew ord story casually, as if storeis and narratives were ephemeral decorations for some unchanging underlying reality. The deeper neurological truth is that sotries do not cloak reality but create ...





● 在《极度成功》这本书中,作者揭示了打造高绩效、高凝聚力团队的三个强信号,为打造一支具有超强的创新能力与问题解决能力,能够不断突破自我的团队提供了行动路线图。

● 书中有大量的z新研究数据,可以帮助读者更好地了解当下企业文化与团队建设的重要作用。例如,根据哈佛大学对两百多家企业的研究,一种强有力的群体文化在10年间将企业净收益提高了765%;澳大利亚新南威尔士大学的研究团队发现,团队中负面角色的行为能够令团队绩效降低30%~40%。

● 书中有很多可拿来即用的z新实践方法。例如传递脆弱信号,构造脆弱环,让参与者的合作性提升50%的方法等。作者使用书中的方法指导一支学生团队参加作文竞赛,学生们都取得了突破性的进步,证明了这一套方法不仅可以拿来即用,而且适合各种类型的团队,能够快速提升团队的凝聚力与战斗力。

● 书中有z新的团队评估方法。丹尼尔·科伊尔与沃顿商学院的人力分析小组合作开发了一套测试题,可以帮助团队管理者评估团队成员相互之间联系的紧密度。


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