Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google跟谷歌学营销(ISBN 9780071742894) 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子书 mobi 在线
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Want Market Share? Google It!
“Google is a once-in-a-generation company. Aaron Goldman has written an essential book that goes beyond telling us how Google became so important to explaining why the revolution it’s leading will affect everyone in media and marketing.”
—Brian Morrissey, Digital Editor, Adweek
“An insightful tour of the elements that have made Google successful combined with a usable guide on how to apply this learning to your business.”
—Rishad Tobaccowala , Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer, Vivaki
About the Book
You know you’ve hit it big when your name becomes a verb—and no one knows that better than Google. In just over 10 years, Google has become the world’s most valuable brand, consistently dominating its category and generating $6 billion in revenue per quarter.
How does Google do it? In a word: marketing.
You may not think Google does much marketing. Indeed, it doesn’t do a lot of what has traditionally been viewed as marketing. But in today’s digital world, marketing has taken new shape—and Google is at the cutting edge.
In Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google, digital marketing expert Aaron Goldman offers 20 powerful lessons straight from Google’s playbook. Taking you deep into the inner workings of the Googleplex (which are simpler than you think), Goldman provides the knowledge and tools you need to build and grow your brand (which is also simpler than you think).
Along the way, he shows how Google’s tactics are being used by a wide range of successful corporations, from Apple to Zappos. Key principles include:
Tap into the Wisdom of Crowds: Get the signals you need directly from your customers
Keep It Simple, Stupid: Craft messages people can grasp in a nanosecond and pass along
Don’t Interrupt: Join the conversation— but avoid disrupting it
Act Like Content: Provide value, not sales pitches
Test Everything: Take no detail of your program for granted; you can always improve
Show Off Your Assets: Distribute your brand everywhere
The beauty of it all is that these Googley lessons can be applied to every aspect of marketing, in organizations of any size. Whether you run a PR department in a multinational corporation or serve as the sole marketer in a small business, these tactics work.
In its mission to “organize the world’s information,” Google has rewritten the book on marketing. Use Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google to remake your own organization’s marketing—and engage more customers than ever.
From the Back Cover
In Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google, digital marketing guru Aaron Goldman shares 20 lessons from the world’s most ubiquitous brand to help you better engage your customers and prospects.
You’ll learn how to do everything from initiating digital “conversations” with customers to testing and quantifying your efforts. In addition to his expert insight, Goldman delivers case studies featuring some of the world’s most innovative brands that have integrated lessons from Google into their own marketing strategy. You’ll see how:
Apple is Googling its customers to remain relevant to their passion points
GE is Googling its marketing plans by selling altruism
Threadless is Googling its products by tapping the wisdom of crowds
Barack Obama Googled his way to the top of the political ladder
And now you, too, can Google your business to build meaningful connections with more customers than ever!
Aaron Goldman is the Chief Marketing Officer at Kenshoo, a global leader in search marketing and online advertising technology for advertisers, agencies, and local marketing providers. In this role, Goldman oversees corporate marketing, product marketing, trade marketing, and public relations. Kenshoo clients include Facebook, LinkShare, Omnicom, SapientNitro, and many more.
Previously, Goldman founded Connectual, a digital marketing consulting and matchmaking firm. For almost two years, he helped companies like Omnicom Media Group, Info.com, Adify Media, and Elevate Studios with marketing and business development.
Before starting Connectual, Goldman served as Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Partnerships at Resolution Media. During his nearly five-year tenure on the executive team, Goldman managed corporate marketing, industry relations, and new business development, working with advertisers like Bank of America and Dell while sitting on the advisory boards of Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft.
Prior to Resolution Media, Goldman led the Midwest sales team for MaxOnline, now a division of Ask.com. For about 5 years, Goldman delivered comprehensive digital marketing solutions encompassing portal and network campaigns, sponsorships, e-mail marketing, and search engine marketing for clients including Disney, General Motors, Procter & Gamble, and Verizon, among others.
Goldman graduated with honors from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign with a Bachelor of Science degree in Advertising. When he's not Googling himself, Goldman enjoys spending time with his family in Chicago.
Want Market Share? Google It!
“Google is a once-in-a-generation company. Aaron Goldman has written an essential book that goes beyond telling us how Google became so important to explaining why the revolution it’s leading will affect everyone in media and marketing.”
—Brian Morrissey, Digital Editor, Adweek
“An insightful tour of the elements that have made Google successful combined with a usable guide on how to apply this learning to your business.”
—Rishad Tobaccowala , Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer, Vivaki
About the Book
You know you’ve hit it big when your name becomes a verb—and no one knows that better than Google. In just over 10 years, Google has become the world’s most valuable brand, consistently dominating its category and generating $6 billion in revenue per quarter.
How does Google do it? In a word: marketing.
You may not think Google does much marketing. Indeed, it doesn’t do a lot of what has traditionally been viewed as marketing. But in today’s digital world, marketing has taken new shape—and Google is at the cutting edge.
In Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google, digital marketing expert Aaron Goldman offers 20 powerful lessons straight from Google’s playbook. Taking you deep into the inner workings of the Googleplex (which are simpler than you think), Goldman provides the knowledge and tools you need to build and grow your brand (which is also simpler than you think).
Along the way, he shows how Google’s tactics are being used by a wide range of successful corporations, from Apple to Zappos. Key principles include:
Tap into the Wisdom of Crowds: Get the signals you need directly from your customers
Keep It Simple, Stupid: Craft messages people can grasp in a nanosecond and pass along
Don’t Interrupt: Join the conversation— but avoid disrupting it
Act Like Content: Provide value, not sales pitches
Test Everything: Take no detail of your program for granted; you can always improve
Show Off Your Assets: Distribute your brand everywhere
The beauty of it all is that these Googley lessons can be applied to every aspect of marketing, in organizations of any size. Whether you run a PR department in a multinational corporation or serve as the sole marketer in a small business, these tactics work.
In its mission to “organize the world’s information,” Google has rewritten the book on marketing. Use Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google to remake your own organization’s marketing—and engage more customers than ever.
From the Back Cover
In Everything I Know about Marketing I Learned from Google, digital marketing guru Aaron Goldman shares 20 lessons from the world’s most ubiquitous brand to help you better engage your customers and prospects.
You’ll learn how to do everything from initiating digital “conversations” with customers to testing and quantifying your efforts. In addition to his expert insight, Goldman delivers case studies featuring some of the world’s most innovative brands that have integrated lessons from Google into their own marketing strategy. You’ll see how:
Apple is Googling its customers to remain relevant to their passion points
GE is Googling its marketing plans by selling altruism
Threadless is Googling its products by tapping the wisdom of crowds
Barack Obama Googled his way to the top of the political ladder
And now you, too, can Google your business to build meaningful connections with more customers than ever!
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